Saturday, May 18, 2013

May Day

May Day is a big deal here in Hawaii. The kids start prepping their song a few months before the big day. There is a royal court and lots of ceremony that goes into a May Day program. Naturally for such a special event you must wear something special. I had fabric to make Danya a super cute aloha print dress in pink, however about 3 weeks before the event I learned that her class color was blue. This then becomes a game changer. Well hanging in my closet was a gorgeous Holoku mu'u mu'u. A Holoku is a fitted mu'u mu'u that has a train on it. This one had a very modest train but still was quite elegant. Unfortunately since having Katriel I have not been able to get back down to the size I started the pregnancy at. I'm still quite a bit lighter than I have been in the past, but not near as small as I was when I bought this dress. Oh well enough on that.

This is a photo of the dress in it's original design. I decided to up cycle it into something amazing for miss Danya to wear.

It is made in the knot top style, so that the straps actually thread through button holes and tie in a bow to make the dress stay up.

So on the day of her May Day performance we headed to the school a little early so that I could get a parking spot. Then after dropping Danya off at her classroom we went to the parking lot to wait for the celebration.

Danya and Ms. Akagi before the show.

Due to the fact that Danya's school one of largest in the state, these whole school events are rather complicated. There are 3 elementary schools in the Waipahu area and they are the 3 largest in the state. Years ago when the school grew so big that they had to add portable classrooms which look more like small cabins, they had to remove the performance mound that most of the schools in Hawaii have. So the May Day performances were to be on the black top of the parking lot. Ai! It was hot that day. No trade winds and in the 90s except on the black top where I think it was 200 degrees okay so that is an exaggeration, but it sure felt that way.
The school set up quite the decorations and it was all so neat, but when the start time passed and we hadn't started yet, it was quite frustrating. Hawaii time runs about a half hour late typically.
First with plenty of pomp and ceremony the royal court is announced, and there is a history lesson of the chiefs and royal families presented by the 6th graders. Then it was on to the songs of each grade level.

Then of course her class sang...
It won't embed this video so click the link to go see it.

After May Day was Pau (or done) we had the option to pick up the kids early. Maylene, Danya, Kat and I felt that after all that heat Air Conditioning and food was what we really needed so we headed to AntiPastos a local Italian restaurant to enjoy lunch.

And just a little bit of Katriel cuteness...
(mostly because I uploaded the wrong video first, so I thought as long as I did it I would leave it here.)
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.