I keep getting too busy to blog. This video is from a day when we traveled over the mountain to go to a park on the windward side of the island. Officially the best park on the island. But on the way I gave Danya my phone to record some of her thoughts. I love this glimpse into her thought process. Hope you enjoy it too.
Danya was the pied piper of the park. Taking all the kiddos 2 years and younger down slides, and keeping them from falling out of the climbers and just in general being a great big sister to every one else's brothers and sisters.
One Sunday morning I got the house all set up for church and Danya stood at Daddy's pulpit and wrote a song, then she sang it special for me.
Easter morning gifts
Pony Tail Twins
It turns out that on the very first morning we had it we needed the extra seats. Maylene's parents needed us to watch her and so that added 2 extra kids to our already full car. Couldn't have been more perfect timing. Must have been God.
Once we got to school I asked them to pose for a cute photo.
MOMS Club Easter egg hunt.
Kat loves playing in her excersaucer. My mom found this portable excersaucer online and we ordered it, got it here in a rather round about way, but it got here and we are loving it, especially at Danya's girl scout meetings. It gives Kat somewhere to play.
Kat just being cute in her Easter Dress.
Blowing rasberries
Well that was one super blog post, but I hope you enjoyed it.
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