It's been forever since I posted anything and I'm sure all my faithful blog followers are just chomping at the bit to see more and hear more about what we've been up to.
Gammi came into town for the surgery and she found out how Danya is a bit of a cruise director. One afternoon she wanted to play dress up. She even got us all dressed up and then with a cute smile she asked to take our photo.
You can see the outside play tent that we found and rigged up to fit over her bed. She really loved playing in it and it had a bit more ventilation then the pop up play tents we were using.
The day before Danya's surgery we were trying to do some things we didn't think we would be able to do once the surgery happened. We were right and boy did we enjoy those few hours in the sun and sand.
Gammi tried to show Danya how to use a kick board, but Danya had other uses for the kick board.
It made a great place to collect rocks.
With no snow around here, sometimes you have to improvise, that's fancy for find another way to do something, and so we make snow angels on flat blankets. It's one of Danya's favorite silly games.Auntie Mick Mick sent some die cut shapes, and Danya had such a blast glueing them onto big sheets of paper we even tried to make a video of her requesting more, but apparently my phone doesn't want to co operate with me 100%.
Yes Danya's speach has gotten a lot clearer.
Our Mom's Club is amazing! One of the things we've started hosting is lego maniac day. On president's day we had a total of 11 kieki and 6 grown ups playing with legos and all of the other toys. It was a lot of fun and a great way to learn about sharing.It's been a while since we had Miss M and her sister over in the mornings but the time has come for everyone to get back into the routine. Dress up is Danya's new favorite game and it's a good thing that her mommy can turn grownup dresses into amazing dress up clothes, because Danya's friends come in all shapes and sizes.
And of course February wouldn't be complete without a trip to the beach.
Where has the time gone. February was a horribly busy month and we have had a ton of fun, but it's a bit crazy and I for one am glad to be done with it!
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