Thursday, January 28, 2010

Meeting the cousins

Danya and Oliver were fast friends. She was very excited to see him and to play with him. They were flowergirl and ringbearer together so they had lots of times together as we prepared for the big day and several since. Danya, I will be honest, has not always displayed the best sharing techniques-- but she's 2, so with a little correction and encouragement she does pretty well.

She was just in love with baby Brianna. She loved to just sit and watch her. If she cried, Danya would stop whatever she was doing and go close just to check on what she was doing.

She now occasionally comes up to me and says "carry baby" which means she wants to be carried like a baby. She is a very heavy little girl when she's not helping to be carried.

Danya was also quite taken with her cousin Lucius. He is so sweet too. The night of the Vikings game we went to Auntie Em's house to watch (they have the biggest TV) It was getting to be a late night and Danya was exhausted. She wouldn't however lay down anywhere. I got the chance to hold the baby as my sister was putting Oliver down to sleep. I sat down and Danya cuddled right in with him on my lap. She patted his leg to help him calm down when he fussed, and sat still for 10 min.

Anyone who knows Danya will tell you this is amazing especially when she is tired. She tends to keep moving so she doesn't fall asleep. When my sister came back out she took the baby back so that he could finish eating. Danya yelled, "MINE BABY" and started to cry. I hesitate to tell this story because everyone who hears it starts making hints about another baby. My answer is as it always has been. When God blesses us with another baby we will be ecstatic and let you know.

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Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.