Sunday, August 2, 2009

What we've been up to....

Yes that is my daughter eating sand. I blogged a few days ago about how we bought some more sand for Danya's sandbox. Well it appears she really likes sand, and not just for playing with. She is told many, many times a day not to eat the sand. Ahh toddlerhood.

I found a new setting on my camera. It takes 16 photos and then composites them into one. It might be hard to see the pictures but if you click the photo it will open in a new window. We've been out and about lately trying to enjoy the parks in the area, but once you've been to one you've been to all of them. Honolulu must have gotten a good deal on this structure because it's at every park. When the lawn mowing guys essetially kicked us out of the park the other day we went down to McDonalds playland. It was much more toddler friendly. She is learning how to climb up the towers from following other kids, however Mom still has to rescue her every once in a while which is not really my idea of fun.

A couple of weeks ago when the speach therapists came they brought a little tea set and dishes with play food for her to practice words with. She loved it! She got quite angry when they packed it up to leave. So we've kept our eyes open for how to capture that same fun. We found these great chairs at Target on summer clearance, an odd concept here, but that's another story. Then we moved around some furniture so that we could have one of the end tables from our living room as a little table for her. Danya loves it. She allways wants to play in her woo woo (room) and tells me to ssssss (sit) and pats the chair. Then we sit down with our make shift dish set and play until Mommy's butt is too sore. (FYI, Danya doesn't know it yet but she is getting a tea set for her birthday, Can't wait to see her play with that)

This is Danya's potty chair. This has been our number one task this month, but I haven't wanted to blog too much about it because it always seems like the minute you do everything goes backwards. Anyway, she is doing really well now, we are still not quite there but its coming soon.

Almost 2 years ago this was the first day I saw Danya in clothes. She was about 8 days old here. I was looking for something else and I found lots of fun photos and things, including these photos and all of her hospital bracelets. This is the reason why we are doing the Danya's Gift Project. A nurse took these photos for me right after they dressed her. This was the day I got to hold her. It's a day that's almost like a second birthday, because I knew at this point that she was getting well. These are some of the cute little things I've been sewing. They are quite a bit smaller than the preemie outfits but the nurses assure me that they will be perfect and run out very fast. Like I said sewing is my therapy and I really enjoy it. Especially sewing for others and creating things like this.


Connie said...

Eating sand..I think Becca was into that! Love the sixteen pictures. They would make a neat flipbook if printed out, cut out and stacked in order.

I hope the newborn onesies I sent will be small enough as I couldn't find any premie ones.

Laura said...

newborn are perfect too. I'm just making these to fill a hole. I want to make sure everyone has something. I told you these were based off of one you made right?

Anonymous said...

awe sand eating

She is too cute!

I wanted to invite ya to my site for moms

anyways I too love the 16 pics:)

Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.