Wednesday, June 11, 2008

First Spagetti

Tada! Danya is eating more and more table foods. She loves the baby food veggies but not the fruits so much. She started showing an interest in what we put in our mouths so we started giving her the basics of our meal. She loved spagetti. It was everywhere. In her hair, under her chin, and between her toes (I'm not sure how she managed that) but she really liked it. I usually eat dry cereal for breakfast and she munches right along with me. We now schedule her feeding times with us because otherwise she just wants to eat again. She is still on the light side for her height but I don't want her swinging the other direction either. We go in for her 9 month well baby appointment so I will update all of her official sizes tomorrow night. I can't believe how fast time has flown. I am finally starting to plan her first birthday party, by Hawaii standards I am very late in getting started. I'll tell you all about that later.

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Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.