Monday, March 17, 2008

New stuff

Danya is sitting up alone now and she is getting ready to move. Because of that we decided it was time to change her room from a ittty baby place to a growing girl place. I wanted to get these shelves so that we could put her toys in buckets for easy clean up. Well they usually cost over $70. That seemed a bit steep so I just put it in the back of my mind. Then I got an add that advertised it for 39.99. I was excited but money was still tight. I was putting away something in the back pouch of the passenger seat in our car when I saw a Christmas card that hadn't been open. The amazing part is that it was from Christmas 2006. Anyway in that envelope was a $40 gift. God is so good! He supplied the exact amount and now Danya has new shelves. She is sitting where the glider rocker used to be. Now the rocker is in the living room, which is great because it means when she is going to sleep I don't have to be isolated in her room.

Danya loves playing in her room so much. Infact when she is crabby she will play in her room alone rather than play in the living room with us. She has just started playing with the stacking rings you can see the concentration as she tries to figure out how it works.

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Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.