Okay so Danya has her moments when she is not overly cooperative. Everyone who has been around her for any length of time in the last few months will tell you this. So when I was in charge of taking the photos at my cousin's wedding, we didn't so much focus on getting a good photo out of Danya because she is my child and I knew we could do more later. So a few weeks back we went to our local Olan Mills. Okay cancel that it's not really our local one, it's over by the stadium but according to the regional manager it's her best photographer so that's where we go. Danya was less than cooperative but we still managed to get several great shots. (There are photos in the mail to some of you, but too many people love us to send to everyone. Sorry.)

Cinderella and Snow White had to come with and were the only thing that got Danya into the camera room initially.

Flowergirl / wedding planner

We were trying just about everything to get her to sit. We thought this tree trunk might do it, but instead she looks like she's a little squirrel ready to run away. Still too cute though.
1 comment:
I LOVE the petal pictures.
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