Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rolling over

As many of you know Danya stopped rolling over. It frustrated all of us. Yesterday I heard her moving around in her crib after her nap so I went to the door to see what was up. I saw her rolling half way then flop back onto her stomach. She did this quite a few times and then Duh! I got the video camera. By the time I got it turned on and ready to go this was all I caught but it still makes me cheer her on. I dare you not to. ; )

The other thing we figured out is that she stopped rolling over when she gained the weight after starting formula. So, I guess she can comisserate with the rest of us. Darn those extra pounds. For some of us it's the ability to touch our toes but for Danya it's lifting those extra ounces and flipping them over.

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Mommy, Daddy, and Me

Mommy, Daddy, and Me
These photos are from roughly the same age for each of us.